Help listening to our programmes

There are at least two ways to listen to our programmes.

Streaming MP3

Dog Rose Sound uses Adobe Flash Player to stream its programmes to your computer. Most modern computers and web browsers should come with Adobe Flash pre-installed. If for some reason it isn't installed in your system, please download Adobe Flash Player from

(Please note that The Dog Rose Trust cannot take responsibility for any damage that might occur to your computer's operability as a result of downloading third party software. Any queries about using the software must be taken up with the software supplier.)

Choose a programme from our list on the Programmes page; then audio should then start to play automatically.

MP3 downloads

Our programmes are also available for you to download, for your own personal use only, in high quality MP3 format. To download a track, please use the link under the player, on the line which reads 'If the track doesn't play automatically, or you want to download the file (for personal use only) try clicking here.'

  Copyright © 2004-2013 The Dog Rose Trust, all rights reserved.